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Edward & Gerald Adopt

Gerald's and Kaylee (Gerald's niece)

Gerald and Codie (Gerald's Nephew)

Ed, Gerald and Ed's Dad

Ed Jason, Gerald and Matt

Gerald and Diego

Gerald's Dad

Diego and Baby Parker

Gerald and Madeline (Our friend's Daughter)

Ed making a cake for Madeline's Birthday!

Carlos, Ed ang Gerald

Ed, Gerald and Fabio

Gerald being a goof!

Ed baking with Madeline (Our friend's daughter)

Gerald and Brandan (Ed's Godson)

Gerald and Kaylee (Gerald's Niece and Nephew)

Gerald and Brandan (Ed's Nephew)

Ed and Parker

Parker, Brendan (Ed's Nephew)

Madeline (Our Friend's Daughter) and Parker

Madeline (Our Friend's Daughter), Gerald and Parker


Alyssa (Ed's Niece)

Fabio, Shawn, Carlos, Gerald, and Ed

Gerald, Susan (Ed's sister), Larry (Ed's Dad) and Ed

Gerald, Carlos, and Ed
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